Buenos Aires (Bs. As.) is a European city that, due to some quirk of destiny, is located in Argentina, South America. The first surprise to the visitor is its size. Its varied architecture evidences
the influence of Spaniards and Italian ancestry. Broad avenues, imposing buildings and attractive parks, countless coffee houses or confiterías as they are know in this great austral country are there to be enjoyed fully. You cannot claim to know Bs. As. if you haven’t enjoyed its confiterías, the rite of sitting in one near a window or in the open air, placing your order and staying there all the time that you please without anyone bothering you. The city is an agglutination of neighborhoods with life and culture of their own, full of traditions brought from far away by the immigrants of the past, their original culture evident at every corner. The porteños, as the citizens of Bs. As. are known, are warm, friendly people, kind and affable to visitors and with an impeccable service attitude. Bs. As. is a city to be enjoyed on foot. Take comfortable walking shoes, the city is great for walking and exploring around.I invite you to enjoy Bs. As. in this guided tour separated by areas. More information :